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Address Syntax Programs

Address Syntax Programs

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Address syntax programs work with address entry templates to convert data entered in an address entry template dialog box into a proxy address string. When the user clicks OK or Accept in an address entry template dialog box, the Microsoft® Exchange Server address book provider reads the data from the dialog box and uses it to create the custom address in the correct syntax. The address book provider is part of the suite of Exchange Providers for MAPI. You must provide an address syntax program that the address book provider can use to translate the entered data into the complete address. This program is specified in the Address-Syntax attribute on an Address-Template object in Microsoft Active Directory®.

The address syntax program converts data from the address entry template dialog box into an actual address string. This program is written in a special assembly-like address syntax language. It is not compiled into executable code for each platform for which your gateway is compiled. Instead, it is byte-compiled into a special binary data file that is used by the Exchange Server address book provider. Because the program is not compiled into platform-specific executable code, it is portable across all platforms supported by Exchange Server.

To create the address syntax binary file, perform the following tasks:

  • Use the fields defined in the address template form to determine how to generate the proxy addresses from the template input.
  • Write the address syntax program in symbolic format.
  • Convert the symbolic program into the binary data stored in a file.

The following topic describes the address syntax language:

Address Syntax Language

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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