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The Address Entry Template Object

The Address Entry Template Object

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If you provide a new Addr-Type object with your gateway, you should also provide a new address entry template object. This template displays a dialog box into which the user enters information to create an address of the type supported by the gateway.

Templates make the address type generally available to users, and allow users to create addresses without knowing the details of address type syntax. The address entry template object works with a corresponding address syntax program. This program converts the data entered in the dialog box into an actual proxy address string.

The following people use the address entry template object:

  • The administrator using the Microsoft® Active Directory® Users and Computers utility to create a new contact. To do this, you navigate to Programs/Administrative Tools/Active Directory Users and Computers, and select your Microsoft Exchange computer. Right-click Users, right-click New, and then click Contact to bring up the New Contact dialog box.
  • Users of Microsoft Outlook® who are creating one-off addresses, either directly in e-mail messages or for storage in their personal address books.

The following illustration shows the dialog box presented by the X.400 address entry template:

Screenshot of New X.400 Address Properties dialog box

If an administrator entered information for a contact named Jonathan Mollerup into this dialog box, the X.400 proxy generation DLL would create an address in the following format:


The following topic provides more information about address entry templates:

Address Entry Template Binary Data

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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