Exchange Data Store Organization

Exchange Data Store Organization

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The Issue Tracking application stores information about companies, contacts, and issues inside the Exchange store.

Note   In addition to using the Issue Tracking application itself, you can use Microsoft® Outlook® Web Access, Outlook or the Exchange Explorer to browse and view the Issue Tracking application folders and items. However, it is recommended that you use only the Issue Tracking application to add or modify data store information. The Issue Tracking application uses item properties that cannot be set or edited using the other applications.

The following illustrates how the information is arranged in the data store.




The Issue Tracking application creates a folder at the top level of the Public Folders or the Application folder hierarchy. The name of the folder is set on the Create Data Store form. There can be multiple data store folders, but the Issue Tracking application can access only one data store at a time.

Inside the data store folder, the Issue Tracking application places company folders as they are created. The company name becomes the folder name, after any illegal characters are removed from the name. The Issue Tracking application places no limit on the number of company folders.

When the Issue Tracking application creates a company folder, it also creates three subfolders: CompanyContact, Contacts, and Issues. There can be only one folder of each name in a company.

Inside the CompanyContact folder is a single contact item that contains the information entered on the New Company or Edit Company forms. The contact item is named CompanyContact.eml.

The Contacts folder holds the contacts that are created using the Add Contact form. The Issue Tracking application places no limit on the number of contacts.

The Issues folder contains a subfolder for each issue for the company. The name of each folder is a globally unique identifier (GUID). The Issue Tracking application places no limit on the number of issue folders. The issue title, status, and other information are stored in the following properties on the folder:

  • urn:schemas:exchange:solutions:ITA:referenceID
  • urn:schemas:exchange:solutions:ITA:associatedcontact
  • urn:schemas:exchange:solutions:ITA:title
  • urn:schemas:exchange:solutions:ITA:status

Inside each issue folder, the Issue Tracking application stores the comments attached to the issue. Comments are stored as document items in the folder, and are named with a GUID. The text that the user enters in the Add Comment form is attached to the document as the value of the following property:

  • urn:schemas:exchange:solutions:ITA:Comment

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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