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Viewing a Custom Connector in the Queue Viewer

Viewing a Custom Connector in the Queue Viewer

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The Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 Queue Viewer will display custom gateway connector queues that meet the following criteria:

  1. The Microsoft Active Directory® object must be derived from the mailgateway class.
  2. The computername attriubte must match the Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) name for the server the connector is on.
  3. The legacyExchangeDN attribute must be set on the connector object.
  4. The heuristics attribute must have the HAS_EDK_MAPI_CONNECTOR (0x01000000) bit set on it.

The first thee criteria are set when the Exchange 2000 Server sample gateway connector is installed. The script below sets the fourth criteria allowing the Queue Viewer to display the queues.

The following script searches for all installed sample gateway connectors (searches on objectcategory=msExchSgw) under the administrative group container of Active Directory. If the heuristics attribute is empty, it is set to hex value 0x01000000. If the heuristics attribute value is already set, the script sets the (0x01000000) bit on it.

VB Script

Dim Conn
Dim Com
Dim Rs
Dim strQuery
Dim strAdsPath
Dim objSGW
Dim OrgName
Dim i
Dim x

' Get the configuration naming context.
Set iAdRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
varConfigNC = iAdRootDSE.Get("configurationNamingContext")

' Open the connection.
Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "Provider=ADsDSOObject;"

Set Com = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Com.ActiveConnection = Conn

' Get the first subcategory under the Exchange Organization container.
strQuery = "<LDAP://CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services," & varConfigNC & _
Com.CommandText = strQuery
Set Rs = Com.Execute

If Rs.EOF = True then
	WScript.Echo "You do not have the required permissions."
    	OrgName = Rs.Fields("distinguishedName")
End If

' Clean up.
Set Rs = Nothing
Set Com = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing

' Open the connection.
Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "Provider=ADsDSOObject;"

Set Com = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Com.ActiveConnection = Conn

' Build an LDAP search command that looks for an objectCategory
' that matches sample gateway (ms-Exch-SGW) in the administrative group container of Active Directory. 

strQuery = "<LDAP://CN=Administrative Groups," & OrgName & _
Com.ActiveConnection = Conn
Com.CommandText = strQuery
On Error resume next
Set Rs = Com.Execute

If (Err.Number = &H80040E37) Then
	MsgBox "You do not have proper permissions."
	If Rs.EOF = True Then
  		MsgBox "There are no sample gateway connectors installed."
		' Iterate through the results.
		While Not Rs.EOF
    			strAdsPath = Rs.Fields("ADsPath")
    			Set objSGW = GetObject(strAdsPath)
  			On Error resume next
 			i = objSGW.Get("heuristics")
				'If the heuristics is not set, you get the following error.
				If (Err.Number = &H8000500D) Then
   				       x = &H1000000
				      x = CLng(i)
				      x = x Or &H1000000
				End If
			objSGW.Put "heuristics", x
		 	MsgBox "Modified the sample gateway connector for the following DN: " & _

    	MsgBox Rs.RecordCount & " connectors were modified"
	End If

End If

' Clean up.
Set Rs = Nothing
Set Com = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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