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Attributes Added by Exchange

Attributes Added by Exchange

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The topics in this section describe the attributes that Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 adds to Microsoft Active Directory® when you install Exchange Server 2003.

The following table lists the added attributes.

Name Description
ms-Exch-Address-List-OU Attribute For more information, see this topic.
ms-Exch-AuthMailDisposition Attribute

It is recommended that you not modify this attribute.

Setting for anonymous submissions to resolve all anonymous e-mail (sender resolution) per SMTP VSI.

ms-Exch-Authorization-Persistence Attribute For more information, see this topic.
ms-Exch-BackEnd-VDir-URL Attribute For more information, see this topic.
ms-Exch-Bar-Message-Class Attribute For more information, see this topic.
ms-Exch-Chat-Max-Connections-Per-IP Attribute For more information, see this topic.
ms-Exch-Chat-Max-Octets-To-Mask Attribute For more information, see this topic.
ms-Exch-Default-Load-File Attribute For more information, see this topic.
ms-Exch-Dynamic-DL-BaseDN Attribute

Place in the tree where the search for the dynamic distribution list (DL) starts.

ms-Exch-Dynamic-DL-Filter Attribute

Filter used to generate the set of names in a dynamic DL.

ms-Exch-Encrypted-Anonymous-Password Attribute

Contains the encrypted anonymous account password.

ms-Exch-ESE-Param-Cached-Closed-Tables Attribute For more information, see this topic.
ms-Exch-Folder-Affinity-Custom Attribute

Determines, in conjunction with ms-Exch-Folder-Affinity-List Attribute, where public folder requests are routed to when the local server does not contain the actual folder data (does not have local replica of the folder). If this property is not set, or if its value is set to 0, the store uses routing group information to determine which server to refer a public folder request to.

ms-Exch-Folder-Affinity-List Attribute

Contains a list of servers with public folder stores and the cost of accessing the servers. The local server checks the cost information in this property to determine which server has the lowest referral cost, and redirects a user request to the server with the lowest cost to fulfill the folder request.

ms-Exch-IMAP-OWA-URL-Prefix-Override Attribute

Contains customized vroot information per user.

ms-Exch-Mailbox-Folder-Set Attribute For more information, see this topic.
ms-Exch-Max-Restore-Storage-Groups Attribute For more information, see this topic.
ms-Exch-Min-Admin-Version Attribute

It is recommended that you not modify this attribute.

Contains the major release and major build numbers.

ms-Exch-Oma-Admin-Extended-Settings Attribute

Administrator-controlled settings for a user. For example, allow or disallow access to features such as calendar or contacts in OMA Browse.

ms-Exch-Oma-Admin-Wireless-Enable Attribute

Global (container) and local (user) notifications shutoff.

ms-Exch-Oma-Carrier-Address Attribute

The carrier address, specific to carrier connector/delivery provider combination.

ms-Exch-Oma-Carrier-Type Attribute

The carrier type, such as SMTP or HTTP.

ms-Exch-Oma-Carrier-Url Attribute

The carrier URL address specific to an HTTP-type carrier object.

ms-Exch-Oma-Configuration Attribute

Configuration information for business logic assemblies.

ms-Exch-Oma-Deliverer Attribute

Microsoft .NET assembly and type information for a delivery provider's business logic that delivers outgoing notification data.

ms-Exch-Oma-Delivery-Provider-DN Attribute

Links to delivery providers on ms-Exch-Oma-Data-Source Class and ms-Exch-Oma-Carrier Class objects.

ms-Exch-Oma-Device-Capability-DN Attribute

Links to device capabilities on ms-Exch-Oma-Device-Type Class, ms-Exch-Oma-Data-Source Class, and ms-Exch-Oma-Delivery-Provider Class objects.

ms-Exch-Oma-Extended-Properties Attribute

Reserved for future use.

ms-Exch-Oma-Formatter Attribute

.NET assembly and type information for a device capability's business logic that formats data within an XML input push request.

ms-Exch-Oma-Translator Attribute

.NET assembly and type information for a delivery provider's business logic that translates outgoing notification data into a particular character set.

ms-Exch-Oma-Validater Attribute

.NET assembly and type information for a data source's business logic that validates an XML input push request.

ms-Exch-Originating-Forest Attribute For more information, see this topic.
ms-Exch-Orig-MDB Attribute For more information, see this topic.
ms-Exch-Other-Authentication-Flags Attribute

Specifies whether basic authentication requires Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption.

ms-Exch-Preferred-Backfill-Source Attribute For more information, see this topic.
ms-Exch-Recip-Turf-List-Names Attribute

Recipients that are blocked regardless of whether they exist in Active Directory.

ms-Exch-Recip-Turf-List-Options Attribute

Enable or disable Directory Service (DS) lookups.

ms-Exch-RequireAuthToSendTo Attribute

When enabled for a DL, unauthenticated users are rejected.

ms-Exch-Restore Attribute For more information, see this topic.
ms-Exch-SASL-Mechanisms Attribute

Contains acceptable simple authentication and security layer mechanisms that specify mechanisms for adding authentication to Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) and Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) protocols. The default value is NTLM.

ms-Exch-Schema-Version-Pt Attribute For more information, see this topic.
ms-Exch-Server-Bindings-Filtering Attribute

It is recommended that you not modify this attribute.

Mapping of content/sender/recipient filtering per VSI binding.

ms-Exch-Smtp-Connection-Rules-Priority Attribute

It is recommended that you not modify this attribute.

Order by which multiple block list connection filter rules are applied.

ms-Exch-Smtp-Connection-Turf-List-Display Attribute

It is recommended that you not modify this attribute.

Display name of the Block List Service Provider.

ms-Exch-Smtp-Connection-Turf-List-DNS Attribute

It is recommended that you not modify this attribute.

Domain Name System (DNS) name of the Block List Service Provider.

ms-Exch-Smtp-Connection-Turf-List-Mask Attribute

It is recommended that you not modify this attribute.

Return code match for the Block List Service Provider.

ms-Exch-Smtp-Connection-Turf-List-Options Attribute

It is recommended that you not modify this attribute.

ms-Exch-Smtp-Connection-Turf-List-Response Attribute

It is recommended that you not modify this attribute.

Custom error message.

ms-Exch-Smtp-Connection-Whitelist Attribute


ms-Exch-SMTP-Global-IP-Accept-List Attribute

The list of global accept Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Used internally for connection filtering.

ms-Exch-SMTP-Global-IP-Deny-List Attribute

The list of global deny IP addresses. Used internally for connection filtering.

ms-Exch-SubmitRelaySD Attribute

It is recommended that you not modify this attribute.

ms-Exch-Uce-Block-Threshold Attribute


ms-Exch-Uce-Enabled Attribute


ms-Exch-Uce-Store-Action-Threshold Attribute


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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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