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This macro retrieves the tree-view item that bears the specified relationship to a specified item. You can use this macro, use one of the TreeView_Get macros described below, or send the TVM_GETNEXTITEM message explicitly.

HTREEITEM TreeView_GetNextItem( 
flag );


  • hwnd
    Handle to the tree view control.
  • hitem
    Handle to an item.
  • flag
    Flag that specifies the item to retrieve. It is one of the following values:
    Value Description
    TVGN_CARET Retrieves the currently selected item. You can use the TreeView_GetSelection macro to send this message.
    TVGN_CHILD Retrieves the first child item of the item specified by the hitem parameter. You can use the TreeView_GetChild macro to send this message.
    TVGN_DROPHILITE Retrieves the item that is the target of a drag-and-drop operation. You can use the TreeView_GetDropHilight macro to send this message.
    TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE Retrieves the first visible item. You can use the TreeView_GetFirstVisible macro to send this message.
    TVGN_NEXT Retrieves the next sibling item. You can use the TreeView_GetNextSibling macro to send this message.
    TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE Retrieves the next visible item that follows the specified item. The specified item must be visible. Use the TVM_GETITEMRECT message to determine whether an item is visible. You can use the TreeView_GetNextVisible macro to send this message.
    TVGN_PARENT Retrieves the parent of the specified item. You can use the TreeView_GetParent macro to send this message.
    TVGN_PREVIOUS Retrieves the previous sibling item. You can use the TreeVIew_GetPrevSibling macro to send this message.
    TVGN_PREVIOUSVISIBLE Retrieves the first visible item that precedes the specified item. The specified item must be visible. Use the TVM_GETITEMRECT message to determine whether an item is visible. You can use the TreeView_GetPrevVisible macro to send this message.
    TVGN_ROOT Retrieves the topmost or very first item of the tree view control. You can use the TreeView_GetRoot macro to send this message.

Return Values

The handle to the item indicates success. NULL indicates failure.


Related message: TVM_GETNEXTITEM


Runs on Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 1.0 and later Commctrl.h    

Note   This API is part of the complete Windows CE OS package as provided by Microsoft. The functionality of a particular platform is determined by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and some devices may not support this API.

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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