HRESULT ExecuteStmt(
[in] BSTR bstrStmt,
[in] VARIANT record1,
[in, optional] VARIANT record2,
[in, optional] VARIANT record3,
[in, optional] VARIANT record4,
[in, optional] VARIANT record5,
[in, optional] VARIANT record6,
Executes a statement on the specified Axapta records.
The statement must be a Microsoft Axapta X++ statement. A valid a statement could be: select * from %1 where %2.Name == ‘Axapta’. This statement requires two Microsoft Axapta records, one for %1 (record1) and one for %2 (record2). The %-signs are automatically substituted with the corresponding record names.
This method offers the same functionality as IAxapta::ExecuteStmtEx and the method accepts up to 6 Microsoft Axapta records. If more than 6 Microsoft Axapta records are needed then IAxapta::ExecuteStmtEx must be used.
The statement to execute on the specified records.
Microsoft Axapta records to replace the %-signs in the bstrStmt. record2 to record6 are optional.
The return value obtained from the returned HRESULT is one of the following:
Return value |
Meaning |
S_OK |
Success |
General failure |
One or more of the arguments is invalid |
The IAxapta object is not logged on |
The security key for using class objects through the Microsoft Axapta Business Connector is disabled |
If only one Microsoft Axapta record is specified in the bstrStmt it is often more convenient to used the IAxaptaRecord::ExecuteStmt method.
Dim Axapta As Object
Dim MyRecord As Object
Set Axapta = CreateObject("AxaptaCOMConnector.Axapta")
‘ create an Axapta record
Set MyRecord = Axapta.CreateRecord("MyTable")
Axapta.ExecuteStmt "select * from %1 where %1.Name == ’MyName’", MyRecord
While MyRecord.Found
txt = MyRecord.Field("Address")
‘ do something with the address in "txt"
‘ get the next record