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The Microsoft SNMP service calls the SnmpExtensionInitEx function to identify any additional management information base (MIB) subtrees the SNMP extension agent supports. This function is an element of the SNMP Extension Agent API.

BOOL SnmpExtensionInitEx(
AsnObjectIdentifier pNextSupportedRegion );


  • pNextSupportedRegion
    [out] Pointer to an AsnObjectIdentifier structure to receive the next MIB subtree that the extension agent supports.

Return Values

If the pNextSupportedRegion parameter has been initialized with an additional MIB subtree, the return value is TRUE.

If there are no more MIB subtrees to register, the return value is FALSE.


The SNMP service repeatedly calls the SnmpExtensionInitEx function entry point so the extension agent can register support for additional MIB subtrees.

The SNMP service makes a copy of the AsnObjectIdentifier structure the extension agent returns in the pNextSupportedRegion parameter. The extension agent must allocate and deallocate the resources associated with the original structure. It can do this when the SNMP service calls the SnmpExtensionClose function.

If there are two agents with the same region, the first one in the list has priority. If that query happens to return "nosuchname," then the first agent will continue down the list and the second agent can attempt the query. The list of regions in the registry is determined by the order in which the subagents are loaded. Typically overlapping subagents are not a problem; when it does occur, the one listed earlier in the registry has higher precedence.


Runs on Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 3.0 and later Snmp.h   Snmp.lib

Note   This API is part of the complete Windows CE OS package as provided by Microsoft. The functionality of a particular platform is determined by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and some devices may not support this API.

See Also

SnmpExtensionInit, SnmpExtensionClose, AsnObjectIdentifier

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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