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Property Sheets Macros (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the property sheets macros, with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
PropSheet_AddPage This macro adds a new page to the end of an existing property sheet.
PropSheet_Apply This macro simulates the choice of the Apply Now button, indicating that one or more pages have changed and the changes need to be validated and recorded.
PropSheet_CancelToClose This macro disables the Cancel button and changes the text of the OK button to Close.
PropSheet_Changed This macro informs a property sheet that information in a page has changed.
PropSheet_GetCurrentPageHwnd This macro retrieves a handle to the window of the current page of a property sheet.
PropSheet_GetTabControl This macro retrieves the handle to the tab control of a property sheet.
PropSheet_IsDialogMessage This macro passes a message to a property sheet dialog box and indicates whether the dialog processed the message.
PropSheet_PressButton This macro simulates the choice of a property sheet button.
PropSheet_QuerySiblings This macro causes a property sheet to send the PSM_QUERYSIBLINGS message to each of its pages.
PropSheet_RebootSystem This macro indicates that the system needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.
PropSheet_RemovePage This macro removes a page from a property sheet.
PropSheet_RestartWindows This macro sends a PSM_RESTARTWINDOWS message indicating that Windows needs to be restarted for changes to take effect.
PropSheet_SetCurSel This macro activates the specified page in a property sheet.
PropSheet_SetCurSelByID This macro activates the specified page in a property sheet based on the resource identifier of the page.
PropSheet_SetFinishText This macro sets the text of the Finish button in a wizard property sheet, shows and enables the button, and hides the Next and Back buttons.
PropSheet_SetTitle This macro sets the title of a property sheet.
PropSheet_SetWizButtons This macro posts the PSM_SETWIZBUTTONS message to a wizard property sheet.
PropSheet_UnChanged This macro informs a property sheet that information in a page has reverted to the previously saved state.

See Also

Property Sheets Reference

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