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This method retrieves the status (validity) of this COleDateTimeSpan object, using a value from the COleDateTimeSpan::DateTimeSpanStatus enumeration.

COleDateTimeSpan::DateTimeSpanStatus GetStatus( )

Return Value

The status of this COleDateTimeSpan value.


The DateTimeSpanStatus enumerated type is defined within the COleDateTimeSpan class.

enum DateTimeSpanStatus{
   valid = 0,
   invalid = 1,
   null = 2,

For a brief description of these status values, see the following list:

  • COleDateTimeSpan::valid   Indicates that this COleDateTimeSpan object is valid.
  • COleDateTimeSpan::invalid   Indicates that this COleDateTimeSpan object is invalid; that is, its value may be incorrect.
  • COleDateTimeSpan::null   Indicates that this COleDateTimeSpan object is null; that is, that no value has been supplied for this object. This is null in the database sense of having no value, as opposed to the C++ NULL.

The status of a COleDateTimeSpan object is invalid in the following cases:

  • If this object has experienced an overflow or underflow during an arithmetic assignment operation, namely, += or -=.
  • If an invalid value was assigned to this object.
  • If the status of this object was explicitly set to invalid using SetStatus.


**  Windows CE versions:** 2.0 and later  
  Header file: Declared in Afxdisp.h
  Platform: H/PC Pro, Palm-size PC, Pocket PC

See Also

COleDateTimeSpan::DateTimeSpanStatus, COleDateTimeSpan::SetStatus, COleDateTimeSpan::m_status