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This class is the base class from which you derive an ActiveX control module object. This class provides methods for initializing your control module. Each ActiveX control module that uses MFC for Windows CE can only contain one object derived from COleControlModule. This object is constructed when other eMbedded Visual C++ global objects are constructed. Declare your derived COleControlModule object at the global level.

COleControlModule is derived from CWinApp, and serves the same purpose in an ActiveX control module that CWinApp serves in a stand-alone application. For more information on using the COleControlModule class, see the CWinApp class.


**  Windows CE versions:** 2.0 and later  
  Header file: Declared in Afxctl.h
  Platform: H/PC Pro, Palm-size PC, Pocket PC

See Also

CWinApp, Application Architecture Classes