Installing package files

Any Business Portal integration will have several package files that need to be installed. You will do this using the MBF Packager, which is included with every Business Portal installation. While the graphical interface for the MBF Packager can be used to install package files, typically installation routines will use the MBF Packager’s command line interface.

To view the command line options for the MBF Packager, open a console window. Navigate to the \bin folder for the Business Portal, and type the following command:

mbfpackager /?

The command line options will be displayed. Since the goal is installing package files, the “Import” option is the focus of this portion of the documentation.

MbfPackager.exe Import /P:ProjectFile [/I:ImportOption] [/L:LogFile]

The following parameters are used when importing package files through the command interface:

Project File   This parameter specifies the path to the project file that contains the packager files to be imported.

ImportOption   This parameter specifies the action to take when an item already exists in the Business Portal installation. If you choose Replace, the instance will be replaced with the contents of the package file. If you choose Keep, it will not be replaced with the contents of the package file.

****Log File   This is an optional parameter that specifies the complete path and name of the log file that will contain the import results.