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Remote Process Viewer

The Remote Process Viewer window displays information associated with each process running on a target device. In Remote Process Viewer, to display information associated with a process, you must first connect to a target device with Platform Manager. For more information about connecting to a target device with Platform Manager, see Application Connectivity.

The following table shows the three panes of the Remote Process Viewer window.

Remote Process Viewer pane Description
Process pane Top pane of the Remote Process Viewer window that displays information for each process running on a target device.
Thread pane Center pane of the Remote Process Viewer window that displays information for each thread corresponding to the selected process in the process pane.
Module pane Bottom pane of the Remote Process Viewer window that displays information for each module corresponding to the selected process in the process pane.

Selections made in the process pane determine the content of the thread pane and the module pane. When you select a process in the process pane, the thread pane displays the threads corresponding to that process and the module pane displays the modules corresponding to that process. For more information about selecting a process, see Displaying Information About a Process.

See Also

Remote Tools | Platform and Application Debugging

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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