
This method creates a thread to execute within the address space of the calling process. Use AfxBeginThread to create a thread object and execute it in one step. Use CreateThread if you want to reuse the thread object between successive creation and termination of thread executions.

BOOL CreateThread(
DWORD dwCreateFlags = 0,
UINT nStackSize = 0,


  • dwCreateFlags
    Specifies an additional flag that controls the creation of the thread. This flag can contain one of two values:
    • CREATE_SUSPENDED   Start the thread with a suspend count of one. Use CREATE_SUSPENDED if you want to initialize any member data of the CWinThread object, such as m_bAutoDelete or any members of your derived class, before the thread starts running. Once your initialization is complete, use the CWinThread::ResumeThread to start the thread running. The thread will not execute until CWinThread::ResumeThread is called.
    • 0   Start the thread immediately after creation.
  • nStackSize
    Specifies the size in bytes of the stack for the new thread. If 0, the stack size defaults to the same size as that of the primary thread in a process.
  • lpSecurityAttrs
    Points to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that specifies the security attributes for the thread.

Return Value

Nonzero if the thread is created successfully; otherwise, it is zero.


**  Windows CE versions:** 1.0 and later
  Header file: Declared in Afxwin.h
  Platform: H/PC Pro, Palm-size PC, Pocket PC

See Also
