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The AsnAny structure contains an SNMP variable type and value. This structure is a member of the SnmpVarBind structure that is used as a parameter in many of the SNMP functions. This structure is not used by the WinSNMP API functions.

typedef struct {
BYTE asnType;
union {
AsnInteger32 number;
AsnUnsigned32 unsigned32;
AsnCounter64 counter64;
AsnOctetString string;
AsnBits bits;
AsnObjectIdentifier object;
AsnSequence sequence;
AsnIPAdress address;
AsnCounter32 counter32;
AsnGauge32 gauge;
AsnTimeTicks ticks;
AsnOpaque arbitrary;
} asnValue;
} AsnAny;


  • asnType
    Indicates the variable's type. This member must be only one of the following values.

    Value Description
    ASN_INTEGER Indicates a 32-bit signed integer variable.
    ASN_INTEGER32 Indicates a 32-bit signed integer variable.
    ASN_UNSIGNED32 Indicates a 32-bit unsigned integer variable.
    ASN_COUNTER64 Indicates a counter variable that increases until it reaches a maximum value of (2^64) – 1.
    ASN_OCTETSTRING Indicates an octet string variable.
    ASN_BITS Indicates a variable that is an enumeration of named bits.
    ASN_OBJECTIDENTIFIER Indicates an object identifier variable.
    ASN_SEQUENCE Indicates an ASN sequence variable.
    ASN_IPADDRESS Indicates an IP address variable.
    ASN_COUNTER32 Indicates a counter variable.
    ASN_GAUGE32 Indicates a gauge variable.
    ASN_TIMETICKS Indicates a timeticks variable.
    ASN_OPAQUE Indicates an opaque variable.
    SNMP_EXCEPTION_NOSUCHOBJECT Indicates that the object provided is not available.
    SNMP_EXCEPTION_NOSUCHINSTANCE Indicates that the instance provided is not available.
    SNMP_EXCEPTION_ENDOFMIBVIEW Indicates that the end of the MIB view has been reached.
  • asnValue
    Contains the variable's value. This member can be only one of the following values.

    Value Description
    number Accesses a 32-bit signed integer variable.
    unsigned32 Accesses a 32-bit unsigned integer variable.
    counter64 Accesses a counter variable that increases until it reaches a maximum value of (2^64) – 1.
    String Accesses an octet string variable.
    bits Accesses a variable that is an enumeration of named bits with non-negative, contiguous values, starting at zero.
    Objects Accesses an object identifier variable.
    sequence Accesses an ASN sequence variable.
    address Accesses an IP address variable.
    counter Accesses a counter variable that increases until it reaches a maximum value of (2^32) – 1.
    Gauge Accesses a gauge variable.
    ticks Accesses a timeticks counter variable that is relative to a specific timer event.
    Arbitrary Accesses an opaque variable.


Runs on Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 3.0 and later Snmp.h    

Note   This API is part of the complete Windows CE OS package as provided by Microsoft. The functionality of a particular platform is determined by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and some devices may not support this API.

See Also


 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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