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This function is called to change the current logging zones.

void CeLogSetZones (
DWORD dwZoneUser, 
DWORD dwZoneCE, 
DWORD dwZoneProcess );


  • dwZoneUser
    Indicates what user zones are to be logged. The hexadecimal bit mask lets each bit represent a zone to log for user-defined zones.
  • dwZoneCE
    Indicates what operating system (OS) zones are to be logged. The hexadecimal bit mask lets each bit represent a zone to log for OS-defined zones. The default value is 0xFFBFFFFF (KCALLS off).
  • dwZoneProcess
    Indicates what processes are to be logged. The hexadecimal bit mask lets each bit represents a process to log events for. Because there are only 32 processes, only the first 32 bits of this parameter are relative. The default value is 0xFF (all processes).

Return Values



If the bit is set, the zone or process is logged.


Runs on Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 3.0 and later Celog.h    

 Last updated on Friday, April 02, 2004

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