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This function copies data from one location to another within a device memory range that was mapped during initialization with the NdisMMapIoSpace function.

VOID NdisMoveMappedMemory(
  PVOID Destination,
  PVOID Source,
  ULONG Length


  • Destination
    [out] Specifies the base virtual address within the mapped range at which the data should be copied.
  • Source
    [in] Specifies the base virtual address within the mapped range at which the copy should begin.
  • Length
    [in] Specifies the number of bytes to copy.

Return Values



Both the Source and Destination pointers are virtual addresses. The virtual ranges specified both by Destination and Length and by Source and Length must fall within the range that was mapped during initialization with NdisMMapIoSpace.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ndis.h.
Link Library: Ndis.dll.

See Also

NdisAllocateMemory | NdisMMapIoSpace | NdisMoveFromMappedMemory | NdisMoveMemory | NdisMoveToMappedMemory

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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