Advanced Display Driver Power Management

The GETPOWERMANAGEMENT and SETPOWERMANAGEMENT display driver escape codes allow an application to put a display driver into various power management modes, independent of GDI calls that use the display driver's DrvPowerHandler function. The most common use for these escape codes is in starting and stopping screen saver programs, when the display is turned off while the operating system (OS) continues running. This is different than the processing that occurs during a suspend and resume cycle, when the OS calls the display driver's DrvPowerHandler function to shut down the display.

Applications must also pass a VIDEO_POWER_MANAGEMENT structure to ExtEscape when they use these escape codes. The available power states, defined in the VIDEO_POWER_STATE enumeration, are VideoPowerOn, VideoPowerStandBy, VideoPowerSuspend, and VideoPowerOff. The exact meaning of each of these states depends on a display driver's particular implementation. The MQ200 driver in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\OAK\Drivers\Display\MQ200 supports these escape codes.

See Also

Display Driver Escape Codes | Contrast Control | Display Driver Architecture | Display Driver Extensions | Display Driver Samples

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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