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This message is sent when the user selects a command item from a menu, when a control sends a notification message to its parent window, or when an accelerator keystroke is translated.

WM_COMMAND wNotifyCode = HIWORD(wParam); 
wID = LOWORD(wParam); 
hwndCtl = (HWND) lParam;


  • wNotifyCode
    Value of the high-order word of wParam. Specifies the notification code if the message is from a control. If the message is from an accelerator, this parameter is 1. If the message is from a menu, this parameter is 0.
  • wID
    Value of the low-order word of wParam. Specifies the identifier of the menu item, control, or accelerator.
  • hwndCtl
    Handle to the control sending the message if the message is from a control. Otherwise, this parameter is NULL.

Return Values

An application should return zero if it processes this message.


Accelerator keystrokes that select items from the window menu are translated into WM_SYSCOMMAND messages.

If an accelerator keystroke occurs that corresponds to a menu item when the window that owns the menu is minimized, no WM_COMMAND message is sent. However, if an accelerator keystroke occurs that does not match any of the items in the windows menu or in the window menu, a WM_COMMAND message is sent, even if the window is minimized.

If an application enables a menu separator, the system sends a WM_COMMAND message with the low-word of the wParam parameter set to zero when the user selects the separator.


Runs on Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 1.0 and later Winuser.h    

Note   This API is part of the complete Windows CE OS package as provided by Microsoft. The functionality of a particular platform is determined by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and some devices may not support this API.

See Also


 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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