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The TSPI_lineGetCallStatus function returns the current status of the specified call.

LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineGetCallStatus(
HDRVCALL hdCall,               


  • hdCall
    The service provider's handle to the call to be queried for its status. The call state of hdCall can be any state.
  • lpCallStatus
    A pointer to a variably sized data structure of type LINECALLSTATUS. This structure is filled with call status information.

Return Values

Returns zero if the function succeeds, or an error number if an error occurs. Possible return values are as follows:



The following table indicates which members of the LINECALLSTATUS data structure are filled in by the service provider and which members are filled in by TAPI. The service provider must preserve (it must not overwrite) the values filled in by TAPI.

Member name TAPI Service provider

dwTotalSize; X   

dwNeededSize;   X

dwUsedSize;   X

dwCallState;   X

dwCallStateMode;   X

dwCallPrivilege; X   

dwCallFeatures;   X

dwDevSpecificSize;   X

dwDevSpecificOffset;   X

TSPI_lineGetCallStatus returns the dynamic status of a call, whereas TSPI_lineGetCallInfo returns primarily static information about a call. Call status information includes the current call state, detailed mode information related to the call while in this state (if any), as well as a list of the available TSPI functions TAPI can invoke on the call while the call is in this state.


Runs On Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 3.0 and later Tapicomn.h   Coredll.lib

Note   This API is part of the complete Windows CE OS package as provided by Microsoft. The functionality of a particular platform is determined by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and some devices may not support this API.

See Also


 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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