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The TSPI_lineDevSpecific function is used as a general extension mechanism to enable service providers to provide access to features not described in other operations. The meanings of the extensions are device-specific, and to take advantage of these extensions the application must be fully aware of them.

LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_lineDevSpecific(
HDRVLINE hdLine,            
DWORD dwAddressID,          
HDRVCALL hdCall,            
LPVOID lpParams,            
DWORD dwSize );



The identifier of the asynchronous request.


The service provider's handle to the line to be operated on.


The address on the specified line to be operated on. An address identifier is permanently associated with an address; the identifier remains constant across operating system upgrades.


The service provider's handle to the call to be operated on. This field may have the value NULL. The call state of hdCall is device specific.


A pointer to a memory area used to hold a parameter block. The format of this parameter block is device specific.


The size in bytes of the parameter block area.

Return Values

Returns dwRequestID or an error number if an error occurs. The lResult actual parameter of the corresponding ASYNC_COMPLETION is zero if the function succeeds or an error number if an error occurs. Possible return values are as follows:



Additional return values are device specific.

This operation provides a generic parameter profile. The interpretation of the parameter structure is device specific. TAPI always specifies the hdLine parameter. Whether dwAddressID and/or hdCall are expected to be valid is device specific. If specified, they must belong to hdLine. Indications and replies sent back to the application that are device specific use the LINE_DEVSPECIFIC message.

This function is called in direct response to an application calling the TAPI function lineDevSpecific. TAPI translates the hLine and hCall parameters used at the TAPI level to the corresponding hdLine and hdCall parameters used at the TSPI level. The lpParams buffer is passed unmodified.

**Note   **The lpParams data structure should not contain any pointers because they would not be properly translated (thunked) when running a 16-bit application in a 32-bit version of TAPI and vice versa.

A service provider can provide access to device-specific functions by defining parameters for use with this operation. Applications that want to make use of these device-specific extensions should consult the device-specific documentation (in this case meaning vendor-specific) that describes which extensions are defined.

Note   An application that relies on device-specific extensions is not portable in working with other service provider environments. Use vendor-specific extensions.

This operation is part of the Extended Telephony services. It only provides access to a device-specific feature without defining its meaning. This operation is only available if the application has successfully negotiated and selected a device-specific extension version.


Runs On Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 3.0 and later Tapicomn.h   Coredll.lib

Note   This API is part of the complete Windows CE OS package as provided by Microsoft. The functionality of a particular platform is determined by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and some devices may not support this API.

See Also


 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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