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This method retrieves an IRAPIDevice object representing a Windows Mobile–based device connected to the desktop.

HRESULT FindDevices(
..IRAPIDevice** ppIDevice


  • pDeviceID
    [in] Reference to a RAPIDEVICEID type that uniquely identifies the Windows Mobile–based device that is being requested.
  • opFlags
    [in] A member of the RAPI_GETDEVICEOPCODE enumeration indicating whether the method call should block until a response is received. This value should always be RAPI_GETDEVICE_NONBLOCKING.
  • pDeviceID
    [out] Reference to an IRAPIDevice object that represents a connected Windows Mobile–based device.

Return Values

If the operation was successful, the return value is NOERROR.


If the RAPIDEVICEID identifier for a remote device is not known, an IRAPIDevice object associated with the device can be retreived using the IRAPIDesktop::EnumDevices method. After this has been done, the IRAPIDevice::GetDeviceInfo method can be used to obtain the RAPIDEVICEID of the device.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later.
Header: Rapi2.h.
Link Library: Ole32.lib, Rapiuuid.lib.

See Also

IRAPIDesktop::IUnknown | IRAPIDesktop::EnumDevices | IRAPIDevice::IUnknown

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