Direct3D Mobile Macros

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The following table shows the macros for Microsoft® Direct3D® Mobile.

Macro PPC SP Description
D3DM Values X X Values for general use within Direct3D Mobile.
D3DM_MAKE_RSVALUE X X This macro is used to creating render state values.
D3DMADAPTER Values X X Values to represent the types of Direct3D Mobile devices present on the Windows CE-based device.
D3DMCLEAR Values X X Flags that identify options for clearing various types of surfaces.
D3DMCOLOR_ARGB X X Converts unsigned 8-bit-per-channel color values to a D3DMCOLOR value.
D3DMCOLOR_RGBA X X Converts unsigned 8-bit-per-channel color values to a D3DMCOLOR value.
D3DMCOLOR_XRGB X X Converts unsigned 8-bit-per-channel color values to a D3DMCOLOR value.
D3DMCOLORWRITEENABLE Values X X Flags used as values for the D3DMRS_COLORWRITEENABLE render state (see D3DMRENDERSTATETYPE) to identify color channels during pixel write operations in the rendering pipeline.
D3DMCREATE_MULTITHREADED X X A flag used in calls to IDirect3DMobile::CreateDevice to identify that a Direct3D Mobile device can support multithreaded behavior.
D3DMCS Values X X Values used to describe clipping planes in the D3DMCLIPSTATUS structure.
D3DMCURRENT_DISPLAY_MODE X X A value used identify the current mode when calling IDirect3DMobile methods that enumerate properties or retrieve capability bits.
D3DMERR Values X X HRESULT values that the Direct3D Mobile middleware returns when it encounters errors.
D3DMFVF Values X X Macros related to creating and interpreting flexible vertex format (FVF) values (see Vertex Data Description).
D3DMFVF_TEXCOORDFIXED X X Sets the numerical format of a specified texture coordinate set in a flexible vertex format (FVF) to be signed 16.16 floating point values.
D3DMFVF_TEXCOORDFLOAT X X Sets the numerical format of a specified texture coordinate set in a flexible vertex format (FVF) to be IEEE 32-bit floating point values.
D3DMFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE Macros X X These macros help specify the number of dimensions of a texture coordinate set when constructing flexible vertex format (FVF) values.
D3DMLOCK Values X X Flags that describe the characteristics of a lock placed on a Direct3D Mobile resource.
D3DMPRESENTFLAG_LOCKABLE_BACKBUFFER X X A flag that is used to indicate that a back buffer is lockable.
D3DMPV Values X X Flags used in calls to the IDirect3DMobileDevice::ProcessVertices method.
D3DMRENDERSTATE_WRAPBIAS X X A value that helps convert a texture stage number to the wrapping render state for that stage.
D3DMTA Values X X These macros define texture argument flags.
D3DMTSS_TCI Values X X Flags used with the D3DMTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX texture stage state to specify that vertex position and vertex normal data in the camera space should be taken as texture coordinates.
D3DMUSAGE Values X X Flags indicating how an application intends to use a surface.
D3DMWRAPCOORD Values X X Flags that are used to construct the D3DMRS_WRAP0, D3DMRS_WRAP1, D3DMRS_WRAP2, and D3DMRS_WRAP3 render states (see D3DMRENDERSTATETYPE).
Direct3D Mobile Capability Bits X X Provides links to the categories of capability bits used with Microsoft® Direct3D® Mobile.
Interface Identifiers for Direct3D Mobile X X Used to obtain pointers to Direct3D Mobile interfaces.
MAKE_D3DMHRESULT X X Used to create Direct3D Mobile error codes.
MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING X X The value representing the maximum string length, in bytes, of a device identifier.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Reference

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