Registering for Recursive Events

Registering for Recursive Events

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You save an event registration item to the location where you want to store event notifications. For synchronous and asynchronous events, you must also specify the scope of the event. When an event sink is registered for a folder and its subfolders, it is called a recursive event.

Recursive Event Scope

You can register for recursive events only in top-level folders. (Top-level folders have no parent folder in the store.)

Permissions for the event sink to handle recursive events are determined only for the folder in which the event is registered. This means that if you have rights to register and receive notifications for events in the parent folder, you can receive notification in all child folders. Manage the folder hierarchy so that child folders are created only in parent folders with trustworthy recursive events. You can perform additional checks when you register the event. You can also check the context of the event notification when you handle the event.

To register for a recursive event scope, the application must save the event registration item to the root folder from which the sink will recur. The application must also set the item property,, to DEEP. For more information about this property, see Event Registration Items.

Note  If you register for a recursive event scope, use the Criteria Field to specify whether you want the event to fire on folders, items, or both.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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