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Property Definitions

Property Definitions

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Property definitions are items, typically in a designated schema folder, which contain schema information about properties. To create a property definition, create an item and then specify its property values, as described in the following table.

Fully qualified property name Value
name Field The name of the property. For example: "urn:schemas-domain-tld:propA".
type Field The property's data type. See Property Data Types
contentclass Field urn:content-classes:propertydef
isvisible Field True or False. Used to indicate to schema-aware applications whether the property is visible to the client. Typically, you set this to False for properties that your application uses internally, but which you do not intend to be viewed by the application user.
isindexed Field True or False. Indicates whether the property is to be indexed.
isrequired Field True or False. Indicates to schema-aware applications whether the property is required for the specified items.
ismultivalued Field True or False. Indicates to schema-aware applications whether the property is a multivalued property.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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