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Specifying the Time Zone

Specifying the Time Zone

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Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) offers two ways to specify the local time zone: the timezoneid field and the timezone field. The urn:schemas:calendar:timezoneid field uses the values from the CdoTimeZoneId enumeration. These values correspond to the Microsoft® Win32® time zone values that are used by the operating system. This field is easy to work with and should be sufficient for most applications.

The urn:schemas:calendar:timezone field provides greater flexibility, but is more complicated to use. You can use this field to specify a time zone that is not included in the CdoTimeZoneId enumeration.

The urn:schemas:calendar:timezoneid field is a string that contains a VTIMEZONE block, as defined by the iCalendar standard. If this field is specified, the urn:schemas:calendar:timezoneid field is ignored.

Both the Configuration object and the Appointment object have the urn:schemas:calendar:timezoneid and urn:schemas:calendar:timezone fields. CDO does not set the time zone of the Appointment object from the Configuration time zone.

The following example shows how to create a custom time zone by using the urn:schemas:calendar:timezone field. This example creates a time zone that is the same as the United States and Canada, Pacific time.

Visual Basic

Dim Config As New CDO.Configuration
Dim timezone As String

timezone = timezone & "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE" & vbCrLf
timezone = timezone & "TZID:Same as Pacific" & vbCrLf
timezone = timezone & "BEGIN:STANDARD" & vbCrLf
timezone = timezone & "DTSTART:16010101T020000" & vbCrLf
timezone = timezone & "TZOFFSETFROM:-0700" & vbCrLf
timezone = timezone & "TZOFFSETTO:-0800" & vbCrLf
timezone = timezone & "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;WKST=MO;INTERVAL=1;BYMONTH=10;BYDAY=-1SU" & vbCrLf
timezone = timezone & "END:STANDARD" & vbCrLf
timezone = timezone & "BEGIN:DAYLIGHT" & vbCrLf
timezone = timezone & "DTSTART:16010101T020000" & vbCrLf
timezone = timezone & "TZOFFSETFROM:-0800" & vbCrLf
timezone = timezone & "TZOFFSETTO:-0700" & vbCrLf
timezone = timezone & "END:DAYLIGHT" & vbCrLf
timezone = timezone & "END:VTIMEZONE" & vbCrLf

Config.Fields(cdoTimeZoneURN) = timezone

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