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nntpprocessing Field

nntpprocessing Field

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A bit-mask used to specify what Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) processing should occur for a message.

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This field is a bit-mask used to specify how the posted NNTP message is to be handled. The value ranges from 0 to 7 (4 & 2 & 1 & 0). These bits can be set using the following enumeration constants:

Name Value Description
cdoPostMessage 1 The message will be posted.
cdoProcessControl 2 The message will be sent through process control.
cdoProcessModerator 4 The message will be sent through the moderator.

All even values for this process (in other words, without the cdoPostMessage bit set) are blocked from being posted, and neither process controls nor process moderators are run for the message. The values are:

  • even or zero - block posting; no process control; no process moderator.
  • 1 - post message; no process control; no process moderator.
  • 3 - post message and run process control.
  • 5 - post message and run process moderator.
  • 7 - post message; run process control; run process moderator.

This is not available during the NNTP OnPostFinal event.

See Also

EnvelopeFields Property

SMTP/NNTP Transport Event Sinks with CDO

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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