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OnPostFinal Method

OnPostFinal Method

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Called by the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) event source on bound OnPostFinal event sinks after a message or news feed has been posted by the NNTP service.

Applies To

INNTPOnPostFinal Interface

Type Library

Microsoft CDO for Exchange 2000 Library

DLL Implemented In



[Visual Basic]Sub OnPostFinal
    ByVal Msg As CDO.Message,     EventStatus As CdoEventStatus

[C++]HRESULT OnPostFinal (     IMessageMsg,     CdoEventStatusEventStatus );


  • Msg
    The IMessage interface on a Message object holding the message that arrived.
  • EventStatus
    On return, the status of the event. The event sink signals to the source whether to continue notifying subsequent event sinks, or to stop and return. The CdoEventStatus Enum in the type library contains the enumerated values for this argument.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


The OnPostFinal event for the NNTP service is synchronous, meaning that the event dispatcher thread is blocked for either the length of time required for all bound event sinks to be created (if necessary) and executed, or until a sink preemptively stops event notifications by returning the EventStatus parameter with the value cdoSkipRemainingSinks.

See Also

SMTP/NNTP Transport Event Sinks with CDO

INNTPOnPost Interface

INNTPOnPostEarly Interface

CdoEventStatus Enum

IMessage Interface

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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