Windows Media Player Version 6.4 Plug-in for Netscape Navigator

Windows Media Player SDK banner art

The Windows Media Player plug-in for Netscape Navigator is designed to support the Windows Media Player multimedia experience for users of Netscape Navigator. The following sections explain what the Windows Media Player plug-in can do, and how you can use it in your applications.

Section Description
About the Windows Media Player Plug-in for Netscape Navigator Discusses the plug-in, and its operational and programmable features.
Using the Windows Media Player Plug-in for Netscape Navigator Discusses how to enable the plug-in in a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) page, and the differences in scripting between Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Windows Media Player Plugin for Netscape Navigator Reference Discusses the methods, properties, and events that are supported by the plug-in for Netscape Navigator.