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Registering the Sample Gateway Snap-In Components

Registering the Sample Gateway Snap-In Components

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Use the regsvr32 command line utility to register the following files:

  1. Microsoft® Visual Basic® Snap-In Designer Runtime (mssnapr.dll) (This may have been registered automatically for you if you have installed the Visual Basic Snap-In Designer project.)
  2. ExConnPp.ocx
  3. SgwAdmin.ocx
  4. AddrType.ocx

Example: To use regsvr32 to register ExConnPp.ocx, open a Command Prompt, navigate to the directory that contains ExConnPp.ocx, then type the following:

regsvr32 ExConnPp.ocx

If you do not have Microsoft Visual Studio® installed on the target computer, you must also register the following files:

  • Microsoft Visual C++® 6.0 Runtime Debugger (msvcrtd.dll)
  • Microsoft Windows® Common Controls 6.0 (mscomctl.ocx)

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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