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Using the Address Lookup Functions

Using the Address Lookup Functions

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release. The Exchange Software Development Kit (SDK) provides functions that convert between foreign addresses and native Microsoft® Exchange Server addresses. These functions are based on two standard MAPI methods, IAddrBook::PrepareRecipients and IABContainer::ResolveNames.

The following table lists the address lookup functions from the SDK:

Function Action Called
HrFindExchangeGlobalAddressList Returns the entry identifier (ID) of the global address list (GAL) container in the address book. The MAPI OpenEntry method is then used to open the GAL. When the gateway starts.
HrGWResolveAddress (based on IABContainer::ResolveNames) Converts the proxy address of a recipient into the entry ID for an Exchange Server recipient, by looking up the proxy address in the GAL. For addresses on incoming messages to Exchange.
HrGWResolveProxy (based on IAddrBook::PrepareRecipients) Looks up the proxy address of a recipient. For addresses on outgoing messages from Exchange.

For outgoing messages, gateways call the HrGWResolveProxy function to convert all the native Exchange Server addresses in a message into their corresponding proxy addresses for the foreign system that the gateway serves. For incoming messages, gateways call HrGWResolveAddress to convert the proxy addresses in the message into native Exchange Server addresses. Both of these functions reference the native Exchange Server addresses with the MAPI entry IDs for those addresses.

The LOOKUP sample application illustrates simple address mapping using the address lookup functions.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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