Device Manager Reference

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The following table shows the enumerations for devices from Winbase.h.

Enumeration PPC SP Description
DeviceSearchType X X This enumeration represents the ways to look for a matching device and is passed as a parameter to FindFirstDevice and FindNextDevice.

The following table shows the functions for devices from Winbase.h.

Function PPC SP Description
ActivateDevice X X This function loads a device driver. For additional functionality, use the ActivateDeviceEx function.
ActivateDeviceEx X X This function loads a driver and adds its registry values to the Active key in the registry.
AdvertiseInterface X X This function allows a driver to announce what interfaces it exposes.
DeactivateDevice X X This function unloads the driver for the specified device and deletes the active key of the device from the registry.
DeregisterDevice X X This function deregisters a registered device. DeactivateDevice supersedes this function.
DeviceIoControl X X This function sends an IOCTL directly to a specified device driver, causing the corresponding device to perform the specified operation.
EnumDeviceInterfaces X X This function enumerates the interfaces exposed by a driver.
FindFirstDevice X X This function searches for device information and fills in a DEVMGR_DEVICE_INFORMATION structure with this information.
FindNextDevice X X This function searches for devices using the handle returned from FindFirstDevice.
GetDeviceInformationByDeviceHandle X X This function retrieves device information using a handle returned from ActivateDeviceEx.
GetDeviceInformationByFileHandle X X This function retrieves device information using a handle returned from CreateFile.
RegisterDevice X X This function registers a new device. ActivateDeviceEx supersedes this function.
ResourceCreateList X X This function creates a valid set of numbers for use by drivers.
ResourceDestroyList X X This function allows trusted code to destroy resources created with ResourceCreateList.
ResourceMarkAsShareable X X This function allows resource ranges to be programmatically designated as shareable.
ResourceRelease X X This function allows drivers to use operating system (OS) resources created by ResourceCreateList.
ResourceRequest X X This function allows drivers to use the resources made available by ResourceRelease.
ResourceRequestEx X X This function allows devices to request exclusive access to shareable resources.

The following table shows the structures for devices from Winbase.h.

Structure PPC SP Description
DEVMGR_DEVICE_INFORMATION X X This structure contains information about a device driver. Some drivers might be accessible by means of multiple names. If a particular name does not exist, the first byte of the entry in the structure is NULL.

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