Action Class (Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput)

Describes a mapping of one game action to one device semantic. An array of Diaction structures is contained by a Diactionformat structure.


Visual Basic Public Class Action
    Inherits ObjectLeave Site
C# public class Action : ObjectLeave Site
C++ public ref class Action : ObjectLeave Site
JScript public class Action extends ObjectLeave Site

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the object.


Method Description
Action Initializes a new instance of the object.
Finalize Called during garbage collection. If implemented, allows an object to free resources before it is destroyed by the garbage collector.


Property Description
ActionName Handle of the module containing string resources for action names, as specified in the uResIdString member of the Diaction structure for each action. Can be zero if action names are specified in the lptszActionName member of the Diaction structure for each action.
ApplicationData Retrieves or sets an identifier, or a function reference, for the application-specific action associated with the device object.
Flags Flags used to request specific attributes or processing. Can be zero or one or more of the following values.
guidInstance Device instance GUID if a specific device is requested. Otherwise GUID_NULL.
How When the structure is returned by Inputdevice9Buildactionmap, this member receives a value to indicate the mapping mechanism used by Microsoft® DirectInput® to configure the action. This memeber is ignored when the action map is passed to Inputdevice9Setactionmap. The following values are defined.
ObjectId Gets or retrieves a control identifier.
Semantic For a joystick, a predefined action mapping constant for this application genre representing a virtual control or a constant for a control not defined in the genre. For a keyboard, mouse, or Microsoft® DirectPlay® voice device, a constant that represents a particular device object. See ActionMappingConstants.

Inheritance Hierarchy

ObjectLeave Site


Class Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput (microsoft.directx.directinput.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492