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The PR_HASATTACH property contains TRUE if a message contains at least one attachment.

Additional Information

Must be exposed by: Message objects
Identifier: 0x0E1B
Property type: PT_BOOLEAN
Property tag: 0x0E1B000B


The type is PT_BOOLEAN, but this is treated as a PT_LONG. The value is the number of attachments a message has. Zero indicates no attachments.

The message store copies the PR_HASATTACH property from the MSGFLAG_HASATTACH flag of the PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS property. A client application can then use PR_HASATTACH to sort on message attachments in a message viewer.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: mapitags.h
Library: cemapi.lib

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