BufferedDataCollection Class (Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput)

Collection of buffered data.


Visual Basic Public Class BufferedDataCollection
    Inherits ObjectLeave Site
    Implements ICloneableLeave Site, IEnumerableLeave Site
C# public class BufferedDataCollection : ObjectLeave Site, ICloneableLeave Site, IEnumerableLeave Site
C++ public ref class BufferedDataCollection : ObjectLeave Site, ICloneableLeave Site, IEnumerableLeave Site
JScript public class BufferedDataCollection extends ObjectLeave Site implements ICloneableLeave Site, IEnumerableLeave Site

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the object.


Method Description
Add Adds a new element to the collection.
BufferedDataCollection Initializes a new instance of the object.
Clear Clears all elements from the collection.
Clone Duplicates the object.
Contains Determines whether an element is in the collection.
CopyTo Copies the collection or a portion of it to a one-dimensional array.
DeviceDataAverage Return the average of all data in the collection.
DeviceDataInstanceCount Return the count of all the data in the collection.
DeviceDataSum Return the sum of all the data in the collection.
GetEnumerator Gets an enumerator for this collection.
IndexOf Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a value in the collection or in a portion of it.
Insert Inserts an element into the collection at the specified index.
Remove Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the collection.
RemoveAt Removes the element at the specified index of the collection.
SortBySequence Sort the collection by sequence.


Property Description
Count Gets the number of elements.
IsFixedSize Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size.
IsReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read only.
IsSynchronized Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe).
SyncRoot Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection.

Inheritance Hierarchy

ObjectLeave Site


Class Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput (microsoft.directx.directinput.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492