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HTML Control API Interfaces

The following interfaces are used with HTML Control.

Interface Description
IAuthenticate Implemented by the client application to provide the URL moniker with information to authenticate the user.
IBindHost Implemented by an ActiveX® container to allow controls to perform asynchronous data transfers through the container.
IBinding Provides methods that allow the client program using an asynchronous moniker to control the progress of the bind operation.
IBindStatusCallback Accepts information on an asynchronous bind operation.
IHttpNegotiate Implemented by a client application to provide support for HTTP negotiations.
IHttpSecurity Notifies a client application of authentication problems.
IInternet Allows client programs to determine if asynchronous pluggable protocols are supported.
IInternetBindInfo Implemented by the system and provides data that the protocol might need to bind successfully.
IInternetHostSecurityManager Provided by the HTML host for components to use to manage security.
IInternetPriority Provides an application with a way to set the priority of the requests being sent to a pluggable protocol handler.
IInternetProtocol Communicates with IInternetProtocolSink very closely during download operations.
IInternetProtocolInfo Provides information about the URL being handled by the protocol handler.
IInternetProtocolRoot Controls the operation of an asynchronous pluggable protocol handler.
IInternetProtocolSink Receives the reports and binding data from the asynchronous pluggable protocol.
IInternetSecurityManager Enables client applications to influence the security of the browser components.
IInternetSecurityMgrSite Provided by an HTML host to be used by components to manage the user interface of the security manager.
IInternetSession Implemented by the client application to create temporary pluggable protocol handlers.
IPersistMoniker Provides methods that offer more control over the binding of persistent data.
IProxyInfo Accessed when the binding operation requires per-bind proxy or gateway information.
IWindowForBindingUI Allows clients of URL monikers to display information in the client's user interface when necessary.
IWinInetHttpInfo Checks information on HTTP requests made through the underlying Microsoft® Win32® Internet functions.
IWinInetInfo Retrieves option information used by the underlying Win32 Internet functions.
IXMLNodeFactory Plugs into the IXMLNodeSource (or IXMLParser) interface.
IXMLNodeSource A base class for IXMLParser.
IXMLParser Takes XML input in a variety of ways (for example, through a stream, a URL to a document, or text pushed to it), parses the XML, and sends parsed events to an IXMLNodeFactory interface.

Last updated on Friday, April 22, 2005

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