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The CFF_CONVERTINFO structure contains information that the ICeFileFilter::NextConvertFile method uses to perform file conversions.


typedef struct tagCFF_CONVERTINFO {
  BOOL bImport;
  HWND hwndParent;
  BOOL bYesToAll;
  ICeFileFilterSite * pffs;


  • bImport
    Specifies a Boolean value; TRUE if the conversion is importing files to the device and FALSE if the conversion is exporting files from the device.
  • hwndParent
    Specifies a handle for a window that a file filter uses as the parent window for a dialog box.
  • bYesToAll
    Specifies a Boolean value; TRUE to include the Yes to All button in the Overwrite file? dialog box and FALSE to not include the button.
  • pffs
    Reference to an ICeFileFilterSite interface used for opening or closing files.


If there is more than one subconversion, the file filter should set bYesToAll to TRUE.


Smartphone: Windows Mobile 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: replfilt.h

See Also

ActiveSync API Structures



Last updated on Friday, April 22, 2005

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