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The ReportStatus method is called by the ActiveSync service manager to report information on the synchronization status. ActiveSync service providers should implement this method to handle these status reports.


HRESULT ReportStatus (
  UINT uStatus,
  UINT uParam


  • hFld
    [in] Specifies a handle to the folder this status applies to; NULL if status applies to all folders.
  • hItem
    [in] Specifies a handle to the object this status applies to; NULL if status applies to all objects.
  • uStatus
    [in] Specifies the synchronization status. See Remarks for the possible values.
  • uParam
    [in] Specifies additional information about the status, based on the value of uStatus.

Return Values

This method returns the standard values E_INVALIDARG, E_OUTOFMEMORY, E_UNEXPECTED, and E_FAIL, as well as the following:

  • S_OK
    The method completed successfully.


The following table lists the possible values for uStatus.

Constant Value Description
RSC_BEGIN_SYNC 1 Synchronization is about to start; uParam is a combination of the following bit flags:
Obsolete since Windows Mobile 2000.
Remote synchronization is starting.
If an error occurs that prevents a Windows CE Security Support Provider (SSP) interface from synchronizing, the SSP can show the error to the user.
An SSP can show any error messages that come in.
Reserved by ActiveSync.
RSC_END_SYNC 2 Synchronization has ended.
RSC_BEGIN_CHECK 3 The ActiveSync service manager is about to call IReplStore::FindFirstItem and IReplStore::FindNextItem.
RSC_END_CHECK 4 The ActiveSync service manager has completed all enumeration calls and has called IReplStore::FindItemClose.
RSC_DATE_CHANGED 5 The user has changed the system date.

This is applied to every object in the store to enable an ActiveSync service provider to reset the date-dependent synchronization options. For example, if an ActiveSync service provider wants to synchronize files that are modified in the last two weeks, it can respond to this flag to reset the enable bit for each object. When IReplStore::IsItemReplicated is called later, it re-evaluates the objects based on the new date.

RSC_RELEASE 6 The ActiveSync service manager is about to release the IReplStore object. This is called before the final IUnknown::Release call.
RSC_REMOTE_SYNC 7 If uParam is TRUE, the ActiveSync service manager is about to start remote synchronization. The ActiveSync service provider should not show any user interface that requires user interaction from now on until this status code is used again with uParam set to FALSE.
RSC_INTERRUPT 8 ActiveSync service manager is about to interrupt the current operation. One of the following values is assigned to uParam:
The interrupt state is being cleared and normal operation is resuming.
User has shut down the operating system.
RSC_BEGIN_SYNC_OBJ 9 Synchronization is about to start on an object type. uParam is a combination of bit flags. See RSC_BEGIN_SYNC for more information about these bit flags.
RSC_END_SYNC_OBJ 10 Synchronization is about to end on an object type.
RSC_OBJ_TYPE_ENABLED 11 Synchronization of the specified object is enabled; hFld references a string that specifies the name of the object type.
RSC_OBJ_TYPE_DISABLED 12 Synchronization of the specified object is disabled; hFld references a string that specifies the name of the object type name.
RSC_WRITE_OBJ_FAILED 16 Writing to an object failed on the Windows Mobile-based device. uParam specifies the HRESULT code.
RSC_DELETE_OBJ_FAILED 17 Deletion of an object failed on the device. uParam specifies the HRESULT code.
RSC_WRITE_OBJ_SUCCESS 18 Writing to an object succeeded on the device. uParam references a SDREQUEST structure, with the lpbData and cbData members representing the volume ID.
RSC_DELETE_OBJ_SUCCESS 19 Deletion of an object succeeded on the device. uParam references the SDREQUEST structure with the lpbData and cbData members representing the volume ID.
RSC_READ_OBJ_FAILED 20 Failed to read an object from the device. uParam specifies the HRESULT code.
RSC_TIME_CHANGED 21 System time has changed. This is called only once.
RSC_BEGIN_BACKUP 22 Backup is about to start.
RSC_END_BACKUP 23 Backup has ended.
RSC_BEGIN_RESTORE 24 Restore is about to start.
RSC_PREPARE_SYNC_FLD 26 Prepare to synchronize a specific folder whether or not any objects of the type need updating. hFld references a string that specifies the name of the object type.

The following table lists the possible values for uStatus, for ActiveSync 3.0 and later.

Constant Description
RSC_BEGIN_BACKUP Backup is about to begin.
RSC_END_BACKUP Backup has ended.
RSC_BEGIN_RESTORE Restore is about to begin.

An ActiveSync service provider can return S_OK for any status codes that it does not want to handle.


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: cesync.h
Library: None

See Also









Security Support Provider Interface Architecture

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