
Defines constants for the possible installation states of an update on the client computer.


Member Description Value
DetectionComplete Completed scanning the client computer for applicable updates. 3
DetectionFailed Scanning of the client computer for applicable updates failed. 4
DownloadCanceled Downloading of the update to the client computer was canceled. 7
DownloadFailed Downloading of the update to the client computer failed. 6
DownloadSucceeded Downloading of the update to the client computer succeeded. 5
Failed Failed to install the update on the client computer. 1
Installable The update is applicable to the client computer, but the update is not installed. 9
Installed The update is applicable to the client computer and is currently installed. 10
NotApplicable The update is not applicable to the client computer. 12
Started Started the installation or removal of an update on the client computer. 0
Succeeded Successfully installed the update on the client computer. 2
Superseded The update is applicable to the client computer, but the update is superseded by another update that is currently installed. 11
UninstallationFailed Failed to remove the update from the client computer. 14
UninstallationSucceeded Successfully removed the update from the client computer. 13
Unknown The installation status is unknown. The client may not have synchronized with the WSUS server. 8


The client sends the following status codes to indicate the result of a scan (which occurs when the update is deployed for scan, install, or uninstall):

  • Installable
  • Installed
  • Superseded
  • NotApplicable

The client sends the following status codes when it initiates the detection logic (the client asks the WSUS server for a list of updates and then scans itself to determine which updates apply). The status codes are not associated with an update.

  • DetectionComplete
  • DetectionFailed


Server Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 Server SP4 and later.

Defined in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.


Requires Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration (in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.dll).

.NET Framework

Requires .NET Framework 1.1.

See Also
