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Using the Sample HTML Template Pages

This section contains instructions for creating custom HTML pages from the sample HTML template files included with the Windows Media Center SDK. By default, the Windows Media Center SDK setup program copies the sample HTML template files into the following directory:

[WMCSDK_InstallPath]\Samples\Hosted HTML Samples

In a default installation, the Windows Media Center installation path is %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Media Center\v5.0.

The sample templates are designed for common user scenarios in applications, and include standard remote control functionality as well as some implementations of Windows Media Center APIs. You are invited to revise and customize them to fit your own needs.

For simplicity and adaptability, it has been important to design the code in a very similar way for all of the various SDK sample HTML pages.

The code in these pages will require some adaptation and streamlining to fit real-world applications, even when a given template might appear to be designed for the exact task you have in mind. The code has been written to be useful for a wide variety of tasks, rather than optimal for a few specific tasks. The goal has been to make the effort of adapting the pages manageable for as many developers as possible, rather than making that effort minimal for a few.

Included with the HTML template pages are the following:

  • A series of HTML pages, one for each template.
  • A series of JScript (.js) files for implementing various aspects of Windows Media Center functionality.
  • A series of HTML component (.htc) files to encapsulate behaviors associated with selectable elements.
  • A single style sheet (.css) file that contains styles for all the HTML files.
  • Image, sound, and video files associated with the HTML files.

To use the HTML template pages to build an application, you should have a thorough knowledge of HTML, DHTML, cascading style sheets, and JScript or JavaScript.

See Also