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ParentalControlSelector.PromptForParentalControlPin Method

Displays a page that requires the user to enter the four-digit parental control code before allowing access to restricted content.

Note   This method has been deprecated.





Required. A String containing the name of an application-defined event handler. Windows Media Center calls this event handler, passing a value that indicates whether the user entered the correct parental control code.

Return Value

This method does not return a value.


When the page is dismissed, Windows Media Center passes one of the following values to the application-defined event handler:

Value Description
0 The user entered an incorrect parental control code.
1 The user entered the correct parental control code.

Your event handler should call the window.setTimeout method before calling any other functions or methods. Calling window.setTimeout gives Windows Media Center time to navigate back from the PIN entry page to your application. Calling a function or method without first calling window.setTimeout can result in an error.


Platform: HTML application hosted within Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 through Windows Vista

See Also