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The DDRSendToSMS function completes the discovery data record and sends it to the client access point (CAP) or to the Discovery Data Manager (DDM) inbox on the site server.

[Visual Basic]


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is S_OK.

The function returns S_FALSE under the following conditions:

  • The DDRNew function has not been called.
  • A file error occurred.
  • Your program is not executed from an SMS client or site server.


Calling DDRSendToSMS completes the DDR and writes the record to a binary file. If the DDR is created on an SMS client, the file is sent to the CAP. If the DDR is created on an SMS site server, the file is placed in the DDM inbox. The file name is randomly generated to remove the possibility of collisions with existing DDR files.

When you have a large volume of records to process, you are encouraged to create your DDRs on a site server. This approach reduces the amount of network traffic that is incurred from a client.

Note that you must use DDRWrite if your network does not support UNC paths.


**  Windows NT/2000:** Requires Windows NT 4.0 or later.
**  Windows 95/98:** Requires Windows 95 or later.
**  Version:** Requires SMS 2.0.
**  Header:** Declared in SMSRsGen.h.
**  Library:** Included as a resource in SMSRsGen.dll (C/C++); SMSRsGenCtl.dll (VB).

See Also
