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The DDRAddInteger function adds an integer property to the discovery data record.

  char *sName,
  long lValue,
  DWORD dwFlags
[Visual Basic]
Resource.DDRAddInteger( _
  ByVal sName As String _
  ByVal lValue As Long _
  ByVal dwFlags As Long _


  • sName
    Name of the class property.
  • lValue
    Value assigned to the property.
  • dwFlags
    Characteristics of the property, such as identifying this property as a key field for comparisons. Enter the following flag or a zero.
    Flag Description
    ADDPROP_KEY (Hex 8) Identifies this property as a key field during a comparison of this DDR with class instances in the database. If an instance in the database matches the data of the DDR key properties, the instance is updated; otherwise, a new instance is created.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is S_OK.

If the DDRNew function has not been called, the return value is S_FALSE.


**  Windows NT/2000:** Requires Windows NT 4.0 or later.
**  Windows 95/98:** Requires Windows 95 or later.
**  Version:** Requires SMS 2.0.
**  Header:** Declared in SMSRsGen.h.
**  Library:** Included as a resource in SMSRsGen.dll (C/C++); SMSRsGenCtl.dll (VB).

See Also

DDRAddIntegerArray, DDRAddString