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Experience.MediaProperty Method

Returns the value of a media property.

Note   This method has been deprecated.





A String that contains the name of the video or audio property to retrieve. It must be a property name from one of the following two tables:

Video property Description
ChapterTitle Title of the currently playing chapter
Duration Total length, in seconds, of the video
MPAARating Parental advisory rating of the video
Name Name of the video
Title Title of the video
Uri URI of the video file
Audio property Description
AlbumArtist Name of the album recording artist
AlbumTitle Title of the album
Genre Genre of the music
Label Name of the recording label
ProductionCompany Name of the music production company
ReleaseDate Date when the album was released
TrackArtist Name of the artist who performed the currently playing track
TrackComposer Name of the composer of the currently playing track
TrackDuration Total length, in seconds, of the currently playing track
TrackNumber Number of the currently playing track
TrackTitle Title of the currently playing track
Uri URI of the audio file

Return Value

A String that contains the value of the property.


This method is different from the Experience.MediaProperties property because it returns the value for the requested property rather than an array of property objects.


Platform: HTML application hosted within Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 through Windows Vista

See Also