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Microsoft DirectShow 9.0


The BltBatch method performs a sequence of blit operations from several sources to a single destination.





Points to the first DDBLTBATCH structure defining the parameters for the blit operations.


The number of blit operations to be performed.


Not currently used.

Return Values

Value Description
DD_OK The method succeeded.
DDERR_GENERIC Generic failure.
DDERR_INVALIDCLIPLIST DirectDraw does not support the provided cliplist.
DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS One or more of the input parameters is invalid.
DDERR_INVALIDRECT Rectangle provided was invalid.
DDERR_NOALPHAHW Operation could not be carried out because there is no alpha accleration hardware present or available.
DDERR_NOBLTHW No blitter hardware present.
DDERR_NOCLIPLIST No cliplist available.
DDERR_UNSUPPORTED Action not supported.
DDERR_SURFACELOST Access to this surface is being refused because the surface memory is gone. The DirectDrawSurface object representing this surface should have Restore called on it.
DDERR_NODDROPSHW No DirectDraw ROP hardware.
DDERR_NOMIRRORHW Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware present or available.
DDERR_NORASTEROPHW Operation could not be carried out because there is no appropriate raster op hardware present or available.
DDERR_NOROTATIONHW Operation could not be carried out because there is no rotation hardware present or available.
DDERR_NOSTRETCHHW Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support for stretching.
DDERR_SURFACEBUSY Access to this surface is being refused because the surface is already locked by another thread.
DDERR_NOZBUFFERHW Operation could not be carried out because there is no hardware support for z-buffer blitting.

See Also