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User Settings

This topic describes the user element in the RTC provisioning schema.

  • URI
    The user's SIP URI. The "uri" attribute of the "user" tag in the XML profile document must be prefixed with "sip:".

  • Account
    The user account ID with the third-party server or the ITSP.

  • Name
    The user's display name, which the client application should use.

  • Password
    A character string that the third-party server or ITSP uses to authenticate the user. Note that the XML language reserves a set of characters that have special meaning in the language. If any of these reserved characters is used in the password that is listed in the profile, the password will fail. For example, &, <, and > are a few of the characters that are reserved in XML and should not be used in the XML profile. For more information on the reserved characters, see the Character and Entity Reference page in the XML documentation.

    Note  The password is temporarily cached in memory in clear text, which may pose a brief security risk.

  • Realm
    The protection space used in the Authorization header when making a SIP request. This is used by the ITSPs to outsource their services to another carrier.

    This attribute is required when authentication is enabled on the SIP server and the authentication used is Basic. This attribute is not mandatory for Digest, NTLM, and Kerberos authentication methods. If the attribute is not present in the XML profile and the application does not set a value for the realm using the IRTCProfile2::put_Realm method, the realm received from the SIP server in the first SIP 401 or 407 challenge response is used. If the value of this attribute is set by the application, then any 401 or 407 authentication challenge response from a SIP server containing a realm value different than the realm already set is rejected.

  • Allowed Auth
    The authentication methods allowed by the client application. The authentication types available are described in the RTCAU_ Constants. This field should be a subset of the following list of authentication methods: Basic, Digest, NTLM, Kerberos, or Logoncred. If allowedauth=””, then the RTC API will not respond to any authentication challenge from the SIP server. If neither the allowedAuth nor sipsrv/auth tag is present in the XML profile, the default value of the AllowedAuth attribute is NTLM | Kerberos. The application can choose to alter the default value of this attribute by calling the IRTCProfile2::put_AllowedAuth method.

    Note  The NTLM and Kerberos authentication methods are supported only under the TCP and TLS transport types.

See Also

XML Schema