UserGroup Members

Provides methods for working with users, role definitions, and groups.

The following tables list the members exposed by the UserGroup type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
UserGroup Initializes a new instance of the UserGroup class.


Public Properties

(see also Protected Properties )

  Name Description
AllowAutoRedirect  (inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol)
ClientCertificates  (inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol)
ConnectionGroupName  (inherited from WebClientProtocol)
Container  (inherited from Component)
CookieContainer  (inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol)
Credentials  (inherited from WebClientProtocol)
EnableDecompression  (inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol)
PreAuthenticate  (inherited from WebClientProtocol)
Proxy  (inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol)
RequestEncoding  (inherited from WebClientProtocol)
Site  (inherited from Component)
SoapVersion  (inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol)
Timeout  (inherited from WebClientProtocol)
UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing  (inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol)
Url  (inherited from WebClientProtocol)
UseDefaultCredentials  (inherited from WebClientProtocol)
UserAgent  (inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol)


Protected Properties

  Name Description
CanRaiseEvents  (inherited from Component)
DesignMode  (inherited from Component)
Events  (inherited from Component)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
Abort  (inherited from WebClientProtocol)
AddGroup Adds a group to the current site collection.
AddGroupToRole Adds the specified group to the specified role definition.
AddRole Adds a role definition to the current site collection.
AddRoleDef Adds a role definition to the current site collection.
AddUserCollectionToGroup Adds the collection of users to the specified group.
AddUserCollectionToRole Adds the collection of users to the specified role definition.
AddUserToGroup Adds the user to the specified group.
AddUserToRole Adds the user to the specified role definition.
CreateObjRef  (inherited from MarshalByRefObject)
Discover  (inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol)
Dispose  Overloaded. (inherited from Component)
Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object)
GenerateXmlMappings  Overloaded. (inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol)
GetAllUserCollectionFromWeb Returns information about the collection of users for the current Web site.
GetGroupCollection Returns information about the specified groups in the current site collection.
GetGroupCollectionFromRole Returns information about the collection of groups assigned to the specified role definition.
GetGroupCollectionFromSite Returns information about the collection of groups for the current site collection.
GetGroupCollectionFromUser Returns information about the collection of groups of which the specified user is a member.
GetGroupCollectionFromWeb Returns information about the collection of groups for the current Web site.
GetGroupInfo Returns information about the specified group.
GetHashCode  (inherited from Object)
GetLifetimeService  (inherited from MarshalByRefObject)
GetRoleCollection Returns information about the specified collection of role definitions for the current Web site.
GetRoleCollectionFromGroup Returns information about the collection of role definitions of which the specified group is a member.
GetRoleCollectionFromUser Retrieves information about the collection of role definitions in which the specified user is a member.
GetRoleCollectionFromWeb Returns information about the collection of groups for the current Web site.
GetRoleInfo Returns information about the specified role definition.
GetRolesAndPermissionsForCurrentUser Retrieves permissions and role definitions for the current user.
GetRolesAndPermissionsForSite Retrieves permissions and role definitions for the specified Web site.
GetType  (inherited from Object)
GetUserCollection Returns information about a collection of users based on the specified user names.
GetUserCollectionFromGroup Returns information about the collection of users in the specified group.
GetUserCollectionFromRole Returns information about the collection of users assigned to the specified role definition.
GetUserCollectionFromSite Returns information about the collection of users for the current site collection.
GetUserCollectionFromWeb Returns information about the collection of users for the current Web site.
GetUserInfo Returns information about the specified user.
GetUserLoginFromEmail Returns a user name based on the specified e-mail address.
InitializeLifetimeService  (inherited from MarshalByRefObject)
ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object)
RemoveGroup Removes the specified group from the current site collection.
RemoveGroupFromRole Removes the specified group from the specified role definition.
RemoveRole Removes the specified role definition from the current Web site.
RemoveUserCollectionFromGroup Removes the users with the specified user names from the group.
RemoveUserCollectionFromRole Removes the users with the specified user names from the specified role definition.
RemoveUserCollectionFromSite Removes the specified users from the current site collection.
RemoveUserFromGroup Removes the specified user from the specified group.
RemoveUserFromRole Removes the specified user from the specified role definition.
RemoveUserFromSite Removes the specified user from the current site collection.
RemoveUserFromWeb Removes the specified user from the current Web site.
ToString  (inherited from Component)
UpdateGroupInfo Updates information for the specified group.
UpdateRoleDefInfo Updates information for the specified role definition.
UpdateRoleInfo Updates information for the specified role definition.
UpdateUserInfo Updates information for the specified user.


Protected Methods

  Name Description
AddToCache  (inherited from WebClientProtocol)
BeginInvoke  (inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol)
CancelAsync  (inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol)
Dispose  Overloaded. (inherited from Component)
EndInvoke  (inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol)
Finalize  (inherited from Component)
GetFromCache  (inherited from WebClientProtocol)
GetReaderForMessage  (inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol)
GetService  (inherited from Component)
GetWebRequest  (inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol)
GetWebResponse  Overloaded. (inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol)
GetWriterForMessage  (inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol)
Invoke  (inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol)
InvokeAsync  Overloaded. (inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol)
MemberwiseClone  Overloaded. (inherited from MarshalByRefObject)


Public Events

  Name Description
Disposed  (inherited from Component)


See Also


UserGroup Class
Users and Groups Web Service