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Source: InstantiateDOM.frm


In this application, we create two XML DOM objects, and load an XML string into each object.

Visual Basic Source File (InstantiateDOM.frm)

Private Sub Form_Load()
    ' Instantiate an object at run time.
    Dim dom1
    Set dom1 = New DOMDocument60
    dom1.async = False
    dom1.resolveExternals = False
    dom1.loadXML "<a>A</a>"
    ' Instantiate an object at compile time.
    Dim dom2 As New DOMDocument60
    dom2.async = False
    dom2.resolveExternals = False
    dom2.loadXML "<b>B</b>"
    ' Display the content of both objects.
    MsgBox "dom1: " + dom1.xml + vbNewLine + "dom2: " + dom2.xml
End Sub

To add InstantiateDOM.frm to the project

  1. Copy the code listing above. Paste it into the Visual Basic code editor as the form_load subroutine, replacing any code fragments that are already there.

Next, run the project. The result should be the output shown in the following topic.