Client Samples
The samples in this section show client features or behaviors.
- Typed Client
Demonstrates how to obtain information from a typed client generated by the ServiceModel Metadata Utility Tool (Svcutil.exe).
- Channel Factory
Demonstrates how a client can create a channel with the ChannelFactory class instead of using a generated client.
- Retrieve Metadata
Demonstrates how to implement a client that dynamically retrieves metadata from a service to choose an endpoint with which to communicate.
- Client Interoperability Samples
Shows how a client can interoperate with a Web Service (ASMX) and how a client can use the XmlSerializer class.
- Expected Exceptions
Demonstrates how to catch expected exceptions when using a typed client.
- Avoiding Problems with the Using Statement
Demonstrates how (not) to use the C# "using" statement to automatically cleanup resources when using a typed client.
- Address Headers
Demonstrates how clients can pass reference parameters to a service using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
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