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IWMSPublishingPoint2 Object (Visual Basic .NET)

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IWMSPublishingPoint2 Object (Visual Basic .NET)

You can use the IWMSPublishingPoint2 object to enable Startup Profile on a publishing point.

  • **Note   **This object is available only on Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition with Service Pack 1; Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition with Service Pack 1; and Windows Server 2008.

In addition to the methods and properties inherited from the IWMSPublishingPoint object, the IWMSPublishingPoint2 object exposes the following property.

Property Description
AllowStartupProfile Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the publishing point allows the use of Startup Profile.

Example Code

The following example illustrates how to retrieve an IWMSPublishingPoint2 object.

Imports Microsoft.WindowsMediaServices.Interop
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Private Sub EnableStartupProfile()

    ' Declare variables.
    Dim Server As IWMSServer
    Dim PubPoints As IWMSPublishingPoints
    Dim PubPoint As IWMSPublishingPoint
    Dim PubPoint2 As IWMSPublishingPoint2
    Dim i As Integer


        ' Create a new WMSServer object.
        Server = New WMSServerClass

        ' Retrieve the IWMSPublishingPoints object.
        PubPoints = Server.PublishingPoints

        ' Retrieve each publishing point and retrieve the
        ' IWMSPublishingPoint2 object. You can retrieve this
        ' object only from a cache/proxy on-demand 
        ' or cache/proxy broadcast publishing point.

        For i = 0 To PubPoints.Count - 1

            PubPoint = PubPoints.Item(i)

                PubPoint2 = PubPoint
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i

    Catch comExc As COMException
        ' TODO: Handle COM exceptions.
    Catch exc As Exception
        ' TODO: Handle exceptions.
        ' TODO: Clean-up code goes here.
    End Try

End Sub

See Also

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